WHY DO PEOPLE COMMIT SUICIDE? Skip to main content


The Pandemonium: a short story.

 THE PANDEMONIUM Standing at the doorway of our house, I knew the temperature was rather cold but my armpits were sweating continuously. My left hand was somewhere resting somewhere in my white jumper pocket. The other one was hanging at the other side squeezing itself.  I was trying to figure out how to avenge. That was the thought that came to my mind when we had just heard the news of my father’s death.  When the news struck my mother’s ears, she let go of the knife she was slicing okra with. She tried to control herself but to no avail. Okra was father’s favorite.  ‘Arna, the infidels, have killed him’ was the statement of the person who brought the sad news. I came out shortly after the man had left.  ‘Wallahi I must avenge,’ I soliloquized,  even though I knew father would not have wished me to avenge his death. I knew, too, that it was impossible to control myself against it. ‘Revenge has never pleased the soul and so I will never,’ my father once sa...



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An assistant commissioner of police in Edo State, Nigeria has committed suicide without suicide not. The victim has said to have used his personal pistol and shot his head dead. According to an online news hub, Christopher Osakue, has sent his family members to visit his relatives in the guise of visit in order to commit the heinous act without obstacles.
Why has he killed himself?
This is the kind of questions that have been coming out of the mouths of friends, colleagues and relatives since the Edo police command declared the incidence as suicide.
So why do people kill themselves?
Reasons for attempting suicide.
1.     Psychological approaches. Before we delve in, let us know what suicide is. Suicide, to me, is a deliberate act of killing oneself. Any act that may result to killing oneself that is not deliberate is a suicidal. The psychological reasons includes:

a.     Depression:  depression is an inability to imagine future enjoyment as a result of long period of unhappiness.  Psychologists say depression is the number one cause of suicide. When people are depressed and believe that they cannot get away from the depressive situation, they tend to kill themselves in order to overcome the depressive situation. There are several reasons that may lead to the severe depression.  
b.    Drug abuse: No doubt, people under the control of drug abuse tend to do things that are injurious to themselves which suicide is definitely the worst.  The tendency for committing suicide under the influence of drug is very high.     
2.     In the religious point of view, some people believe that anybody who attempted suicide is not very religious.  Thought there are people that commit suicide in the name of religion. There are Islamic and Christian suicide bombers in history. They did all it in the name of religion.

I wonder if the ACP is influence by one of the above.
 Tameem Garga
1st jan., 2017


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